Well what a week hahaha. This past week kinda stunk to be honest. The last two weeks Elder Pelos back has been killing him from a previous injury before his mission I think he fractured his spine haha but anyway his back has been killing him so we haven't been able to do as much or go out as much and on Tuesday we had interviews and President told me I might be getting a new trainer who can finish my training sufficiently. And so all week I was upset that I could be getting a new trainer cuz I love Elder Pelo he's such a boss. But anyways the week went on and on Wednesday morning I found out my good friend from the MTC went home. He was in my district and I saw him every week and everything seemed fine. I knew he was struggling but not that much. But Anyways when we found out he went home I got really sad. But anyway, so the week goes on and On Friday we get a text and one of the senior couples says they're bringing a third bed to our apartment so we're like huh what? So they tell us whoever stays is getting a tripanionship haha so me and Pelo are like well we're both staying so looks like my new trainer is coming here haha. But they called us on Saturday night with our transfer doctrine and they say I'm being transferred to a new area with a new trainer and Pelo is staying and gaining two companions. Haha so I'm getting transferred and getting a new trainer and that's pretty lame but oh well. Like Nephi "I will go and I will do the things the lord commands"! Hopefully this next week goes better I'll keep you guys updated on the new area and everything! Love you guys! Oh and I didn't take any pics but this is hilarious!
Monday, January 26, 2015
Monday, January 19, 2015
January 19, 2015... "Heavenly Father is the Captain"
Hello friends and family!
This week was pretty slow. Most of our lessons fell through and we lost 2 investigators. And elder Pelos back has been killing him all week so we didn't do much. We will probably get full car now since he is unable to bike. I guess he fractured his spine before the mission playing ball or something hahaha and it never healed before he came out lol. But yeah. But guess what else happened. The family we recently baptized were confirmed on Tuesday night in the bishops office finally. They work on Sunday's so we decided just to do it during the week and not let anymore time go by. But anyways the bishops first counselor did the mom and dad in Creole cuz they don't speak English and as the dad was being confirmed and was receiving the Holy Ghost a thought came into my head and it told me that I was going to be asked to confirm the son a member and give him the Holy Ghost. And sure enough after the mom and dad were done the son said he didn't care who did it so the bishop asked me to do it! And I was like uhh yeah sure I've never done it before but il give it a go haha. So I did and as i confirmed him a member and he received the holy ghost all I could do was smile hahaha. And then I gave him a blessing and to be honest I don't remember what I said in the blessing but I said a lot haha. It was an awesome experience. But yeah that was the highlight of the week. Nothing else really happened kinda a slow week. But if there's one thing that I can take from this week it is how awesome hymns are haha. We don't have much entertainment but hymns and Mormon messages lol so I listen to hymns all the time and my absolute favorite without a doubt is Come, Come Ye Saints. Man that song is so freaking awesome I've probably listened to it over 300 times this week hahaha. My testimony is growing each day I am here and I'm grateful for the opportunity to serve the lord. Although I still miss home I'm starting to realize what my focus needs to be on and I am at peace knowing Heavenly Father is the captain ;-) (look at me, I'm the captain now) and he is in control of everything. Oh wow! how could I forget hahaha we committed someone else to baptism yesterday but he's a minor so he has to ask permission from his mom but I don't have any doubts :-)
Elder Armijo
This week was pretty slow. Most of our lessons fell through and we lost 2 investigators. And elder Pelos back has been killing him all week so we didn't do much. We will probably get full car now since he is unable to bike. I guess he fractured his spine before the mission playing ball or something hahaha and it never healed before he came out lol. But yeah. But guess what else happened. The family we recently baptized were confirmed on Tuesday night in the bishops office finally. They work on Sunday's so we decided just to do it during the week and not let anymore time go by. But anyways the bishops first counselor did the mom and dad in Creole cuz they don't speak English and as the dad was being confirmed and was receiving the Holy Ghost a thought came into my head and it told me that I was going to be asked to confirm the son a member and give him the Holy Ghost. And sure enough after the mom and dad were done the son said he didn't care who did it so the bishop asked me to do it! And I was like uhh yeah sure I've never done it before but il give it a go haha. So I did and as i confirmed him a member and he received the holy ghost all I could do was smile hahaha. And then I gave him a blessing and to be honest I don't remember what I said in the blessing but I said a lot haha. It was an awesome experience. But yeah that was the highlight of the week. Nothing else really happened kinda a slow week. But if there's one thing that I can take from this week it is how awesome hymns are haha. We don't have much entertainment but hymns and Mormon messages lol so I listen to hymns all the time and my absolute favorite without a doubt is Come, Come Ye Saints. Man that song is so freaking awesome I've probably listened to it over 300 times this week hahaha. My testimony is growing each day I am here and I'm grateful for the opportunity to serve the lord. Although I still miss home I'm starting to realize what my focus needs to be on and I am at peace knowing Heavenly Father is the captain ;-) (look at me, I'm the captain now) and he is in control of everything. Oh wow! how could I forget hahaha we committed someone else to baptism yesterday but he's a minor so he has to ask permission from his mom but I don't have any doubts :-)
Elder Armijo
Wednesday, January 14, 2015
January 12, 2015 "Maybe it's not your toes time"
Yo yo what's up friends and FAM! Holy cow it's Pday again haha the weeks feel like days and days feel like weeks on the mish(I act like I've been out ages lol). Well this week was pretty sweet! I'm adjusting way more and getting the hang of the routine and stuff so that's good. But anyways so the beginning of the week was pretty normal ya know we visited our usual LARCS and our investigators that we've been seeing. At first I was kinda bored with only seeing LARCS( less actives or recent converts) but now it's awesome and we are actually suppose to be focusing on them haha presidents orders. But anyway so this whole week I have been praying for us to get new investigators and find some new people to teach and nothing all week. And then Saturday comes along and that's the day my Comp was supposed to get his in grown toenail removed so we would have been stuck in the apartment for sat and Sunday cuz we were on bikes and he wouldn't have been able to bike. But anyway we get to the doctors place and for some reason the people didn't run the insurance when he gave it to them on the phone a few days earlier and his insurance cards neither of them work on the weekends lol which is weird but yeah so we we're like ahh nuts what's now lol. So he rescheduled and then we went to the temple with Rafael the less active that me and elder Pelo have reactivated since I've been here. We just went to walk around and talk cuz he's been going through some stuff but anyways as we're leaving the doctors to go to the temple I say to elder Pelo jokingly kinda "hey maybe it just wasn't your toes time you know how the lord works" lol. So we get to the temple and we sit down and it was cold and windy but we sat down and started talking and we sang come come ye saints which is my favorite hymn and then Rafael and Pelo started talking and I just said a quick prayer cuz we were at the temple and I again asked Heavenly Father to help us find new people to teach. And as soon i closed my prayer the phone rang and Pelo answers and it's the elders from a different area and they say that they have a former investigator that they were teaching and he went to jail and now he's out and he is in our area now! So we're like oh heck yeah swag man new gator to teach so we call this guy and he's like so pumped and wants to come to church with us Sunday and we asked if could meet with him in like and hour and he said yeah so we put him in for an hour later. And then another phone call from the sisters and they have ANOTHER referral for us so we schedule am appoint,net with this one for Sunday! So to make a long story short if Pelo would have gotten his toe fixed on Saturday we wouldn't be able to see anyone that day or Sunday but he didn't and now we have two new investigators to teach which is what I've been praying for all week haha. But anyways we had 5 investigators at church yesterday! Which was cool to see they all stayed for the whole time too. Well I'll be on for a while so email me if you can! Oh and by the way my legs are gonna be so ripped after my mission hahahaha biking kills my legs lol #legdayeveryday I took a pic of the temple that I thought was pretty cool cuz it's florida and there's a palm tree right there hahaha. It's cool having a temple in my area did I tell you we do temple service every Tuesday? Like land scaping and keeping up the temple grounds and stuff? It's pretty fun and they feed us chipotle. But we are going to the temple for a session this Friday so that should be cool. lol but that's the only picture I took this week sorry. ![]()
Elder Armijo
Elder Armijo
Thursday, January 8, 2015
January 5, 2015 Yooooooooooooooo
Holy it's already p day again ? Haha this week went by way to fast. But this week was awesome . After talking to everyone my sadness went away and I realized that I'm only here for a short period of time and the families I'm bringing to the gospel are eternal.(quoted that from queen B) this week was sort of slow but still sweet at the same time we had ZTM and also trainer follow up meeting so I got my iPad so I'm pretty much set now. I love these iPads I love watching Mormon messages hahaha I've probably already watched all of them twice since I got this thing on Friday. And the amount of resources we have is so sweet! We use videos I'm almost all of our lessons. Oh and by the way happy new year and Christmas hahaha I totally forgot cuz they're just normal days for us lol.i hope everyone was safe and partied hard for me. But anyways so this week I gave my first blessing which was pretty sweet. I said things I didn't even think I could say....does that make sense? Idk hahaha but it was an awesome experience. We should have at least two more baptisms coming up here in the next month or two so that's awesome. But besides that this week was pretty chill just a normal week of teaching and preaching and eating lol. I still haven't taken many pics hahaha I took a few with a member that's a body builder lol he's so swoll but besides that my area isn't really anything worth taking pics of lol. Oh and we just did exchanges as well so I went to a different area for Saturday so that was sweet. I'm starting to adjust better now and realize that Heavenly Father is in charge. This is his work and it's the greatest work on the face of this earth. I still struggle and I still get sad but as soon as I realize what I'm doing and why I'm here I snap out of being selfish and go to work. I love the people here they have made me feel so welcomed and it's so sweet. You know this week I was in studies and for some reason I just started missing the ward back home and all my leaders and stuff. The ward here is awesome but there's soooooo much drama hahaha I'm so grateful for my home Ward. B Ray, Bryant, Braddock, and McCook keep holding it down in C Town on that back row in elders quorum hahaha but really our Ward in chandler is so awesome I miss everyone in it so thank you all for helping me get to where I am today. This church is true, the book is blue, and Jesus loves you. And ps what's up with no mail? I feel like you guys forgot about me already hahahaha oh and thank you so much brother and sister Farnsworth for the socks and the tie and everything hahahaha the tie is so sweet! Love you guys so much. And also Brenda and Alan thank you so much for the card really I love you guys so much I'm getting a letter ready for you guys soon and also for a lot of people hahaha today is letter writing day so I have like 12 letters to write. Well I love you all so stay Gucci! Oh and can you believe I've been out for a month already? I feel like I was in the MTC just last week! It's crazy to think that all the boys are either on missions or getting ready to leave. Just FYI to hunter and chad that homesickness does come hahaha when everyone told me it would I kind of brushed it off but when it came it hit me like a wrecking ball (Miley Cyrus jk) but don't give up push through trust in the lord and he will pick up u whenever you are down. I love you guys! Elder Armijo
Sent from my iPad
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